日本Japan Institute for the Control of Aging (JaICA)

日本Japan Institute for the Control of Aging (JaICA)

日本老化制御研究所 Jaica代理
上海金畔生物作为日本 JaICA 老化中国代理商,欢迎新老客户访问日本 JaICA 老化官网或者咨询我们获取更多日本 JaICA 老化产品线价格说明书等信息。



类型 产品名称 运用 备注
  尿液 血清 组织  
DNA 氧化 8-OHdG   Check ELISA Kit 是(动物) 普遍使用的氧化应激标记物
8-OHdG   Check ELISA Kit (High Sensitivity) 是(动物) 人血清、组织和培养细胞的更低检测限。
anti-8-Hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanisine   [8-OHdG],mAb(N45.1) 8-OHGua/8-OHG低交叉反应性
anti-Thymidine   Glycol [TG], mAb (2E8) DNA特异性氧化应激标记物
脂类氧化 Hexanoyl-Lys   [HEL] ELISA Kit n:6 多不饱和脂肪酸早期氧化的新标记物
anti-Hexanoyl-Lys   [HEL], mAb (5F12) 免疫组化,免疫印迹和ELISA
anti-Hydroxy-2-nonenal   [4-HNE], mAb(HNEJ-2) 普遍使用的脂类氧化标志物
anti-Acrolein   [ACR], mAb (5F6) 免疫组化, 免疫印迹 和 ELISA.
anti-Malondialdehyde   [MDA], mAb (1F83) 免疫组化 和 免疫印迹
anti-4-Hydroxy-2-hexenal   [4-HHE], mAb (HHE53) 免疫组化
anti-Crotonaldehyde   [CRA], mAb (82D3) 免疫组化
anti-Methylglyoxal   [MG], mAb (3C) 免疫组化
anti-7-Ketocholesterol   [7-KC], mAb (35A) 胆固醇氧化标记物
蛋白氧化 Dityrosine   [DT] ELISA Kit 蛋白氧化新型标记物。检测时间:过夜 + 1.5小时。
anti-Dityrosine   [DT], mAb (1C3) 免疫组化, 免疫印迹 和 ELISA.
anti-Dibromo-tyrosine   [DiBrY], mAb (3A5) 炎症相关的蛋白氧化标记物
抗氧化检测 Total   Antioxidant Capacity [PAO] Test Kit Food


日本JaICA Test kit for Potential Anti Oxidant (PAO)

日本JaICA Test kit for Potential Anti Oxidant (PAO)
日本老化制御研究所 Jaica代理
上海金畔生物作为日本 JaICA 老化中国代理商,欢迎新老客户访问日本 JaICA 老化官网或者咨询我们获取更多日本 JaICA 老化产品线价格说明书等信息。
Suitable for detection of total antioxidant capacity in serum and food extracts. For research use only.
Antioxidant assay:

Oxidative stress plays on important role in various diseases and aging. The control of oxidative stress is expected to be useful to prevent diseases and aging.Oxidative stress is caused by the imbalance between reactive oxygen species (ROS) and antioxidant defense system. For accurate assessment of oxidative stress, measurement of ROS, oxidative damage and antioxidant activity may be essential. Recently, antioxidants as functional foods which scavenge ROS attract a great deal of attention.
Principle of this assay:

In the PAO assay kit, an easy and convenient method to measure antioxidant capacity is provided. Utilizing the reduction of cupric ion (Cu++ to Cu+), antioxidant capacity of samples can be detected in 5 minutes. Samples are mixed with Cu++ Solution. Cu++ are reduced by antioxidants to form Cu+. Reduced Cu+ react with Chromatic Solution (Bathocuproine) , and can be detected by absorbance at wavelength 480 to 490 nm. Antioxidant capacity can be calculated from the Cu+ formed. PAO can detect not only hydrophilic antioxidants such as Vitamin C, glutathione, but also can detect hydrophobic antioxidants such as Vitamin E. Applicable for assessment of total antioxidants of serum, foods and beverage samples.

Method: Colormetric assay(detection: 480 – 492 nm)
Assay range: 21.9 – 4378 碌mol/L (cupric ion reducing power)
Format: 96 wells
Storage: Room temperature (10 – 25掳C)
Applications: Human and animal serum samples, foods and beverage samples.
Required but not provided: A micro plate reader (measuring wavelength 492 nm)
Pipettes and pipette chips
Plastic test tubes
Distilled water
NaOH, HCl solution and pH meter (Not required if standards are prepared with distilled water only).

Content of this kit: 试剂盒组成

Standard (Uric acid powder): 1 vial
Sample diluent: 1 bottle
Cu++ solution: 1 bottle
Stop solution: 1 bottle
Micro titer plate: 1 plate (96 wells)

Assay procedure:

1) Prepare 6 levels of standards by diluting 2mM uric acid.
2) Please prepare plastic test tubes for 6 levels of standards and each sample. Pour 390 碌L of Sample Diluent, and add 10 碌L of standards or diluted samples.
3) Pour 200 碌L of mixture to Micro titer plate. Use 200 碌L of Sample Diluent for blank well.
4) Read absorbance at 490 nm (as READ1).
5) Add 50 碌L of Cu++solution to each well, mix gently, and incubate at room temperature for 3 minutes.
6) Add 50 碌L of Stop solution, mix gently, and read absorbance at 490 nm (as READ2).
7) Please draw standard curves by plotting the difference of absorbance readings (READ2 – READ1) as vertical axis, and concentration of uric acid standards (mM) as horizontal axis. Calculate the corresponding uric acid concentration of samples. Multiply corresponding uric acid concentration (mM) of samples by 2189, to estimate antioxidant power (碌mol/L).
1mM of uric acid = 2189 碌mol/L (copper reducing power)


1) Oxidative imbalance and cathepsin D changes as peripheral blood biomarkers of Alzheimer disease: A pilot study
E Strafacea, P Matarresea, L Gambardella, R Vona, A Sgadari,MC Silveri, W Malorni
FEBS Letters 579, p2759-766 (2005)
2) Oxidative stress and its association with coronary artery disease and different atherogenic risk factors
Journal of Internal Medicine 256, p308-315(2004)
3) Antioxidant capacity as a reliable marker of stress in dairy calves transported by road
P Pregel, E Bollo, FT Cannizzo, B Biolatti, E Contato, and PG Biolatti
Veterinary Record 156, p53-54 (2005)
4) Vitamin E-coated dialyzers reduce oxidative stress related proteins and markers in hemodialysis ? a molecular biological approach.
LA Calo, A Naso, E Pagnin, PA Davis, M Castoro, R Corradin, P Riegler, C Cascone, W Huber and A Piccoli
Clinical Nephrology, Vol.62(5), p355-361 (2004)
5) Oxidative stress-related factors in Bartter’s and Gitelman9s syndrome: relevance for angiotensin IIsignalling.
Calo LA, Pagnin E, Davis PA, Sartori M, Semplicini A.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 18(8) p1518-1525 (2003)
6) Effect of epoetin on HO-1 mRNA level and plasma antioxidants in hemodialysis patients.
Calo LA, Stanic L, Davis PA, Pagnin E, Munaretto G, Fusaro M, Landini S, Semplicini A, Piccoli A.
Int. J Clin. Ther 41(5), p187-192 (2003)
7) Restored Antioxidant Capacity Parallels the Immunologic and Virologic Improvement in Children with Perinatal Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection Receiving Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy.
M Martino, F Chiarelli, M Moriondo, M Torello, C Azzari, and L Galli
Clinical Immunology 100(1),p82-86 (2001)
Product name Code Assay range Assay time Format
Test kit for Potential Anti Oxidant (PAO) KPA-050 21.9-4378 碌mol/L 5 minutes 96 wells

日本JaICA Test kit for Potential Anti Oxidant (PAO)   说明书  技术资料

Instruction manual Technical information

日本 JaICA代理 Anti Di Tyrosine (DT) 单抗

日本 JaICA代理 Anti Di Tyrosine (DT) 单抗
上海金畔生物作为日本 JaICA 老化中国代理商,欢迎新老客户访问日本 JaICA 老化官网或者咨询我们获取更多日本 JaICA 老化产品线价格说明书等信息。
日本老化制御研究所 Jaica代理
日本 JaICA代理 Anti Di Tyrosine (DT) 单抗
产品名称: Anti Di Tyrosine (DT) 单抗
英文名称: Anti Di Tyrosine (DT) monoclonal antibody
产品货号: MDT-020P
产品规格: 20ug
产品产地: 日本
产品商标: JaICA

Code Product Name  
KOG-200SE New 8-OHdG Check ELISA kit 96 wells
KOG-200TE New 8-OHdG Check ELISA Trial Package (32wells) 32 wells
KOG-HS10E Highly Sensitive 8-OHdG Check ELISA kit 96 wells
MOG-100P Anti 8-OHdG monoclonal antibody 100 micro gram
MOG-020P Anti 8-OHdG monoclonal antibody 20 micro gram
MHN-100P Anti 4-HNE monoclonal antibody 100 micro gram
MHN-020P Anti 4-HNE monoclonal antibody 20 micro gram
MBY-020P Anti Di bromo tyrosine (DiBrY) monoclonal antibody 20 micro gram
MTG-100P Anti Tymidine Glycol (TG) monoclonal antibody 100 micro gram
MDT-020P Anti Di Tyrosine (DT) monoclonal antibody 20 micro gram
MHL-021P Anti Hexanoyl-Lys(HEL) monoclonal antibody (clone 5F12) 20 micro gram
KHL-700E Hexanoyl-Lys(HEL) ELISA kit 96 wells
KPA-050 Test kit for Potential Anti Oxidant (PAO) 96 wells
MMD-030n Anti malondialdehyde (MDA) monoclonal antibody 30 micro gram
MAR-020n Anti acrolein (ACR) monoclonal antibody 20 micro gram
MAR-100n Anti acrolein (ACR) monoclonal antibody 100 micro gram
MHH-030n Anti 4-hydroxy-2-hexenal (4-HHE) monoclonal antibody 30 micro gram
MCA-030n Anti crotonaldehyde (CRA) monoclonal antibody 30 micro gram
MMG-030n Anti methyglyoxal (MG) monoclonal antibody 30 micro gram
MKC-020n Anti 7-ketocholesterol (7-KC) monoclonal antibody 20 micro gram
OPF-010E NEW Ultra filter unit for serum pretreatment (MW cut off 10kDa, Pall Corp.) 1 unit
KDT-010E Dityrosine (DT) ELISA  96 wells
OPNUCP1 Nuclease P1 from Penicillium citrinum 500 units


日本 JaICA老化Anti 4-HNE monoclonal antibody (HNEJ-2)

日本 JaICA老化Anti 4-HNE monoclonal antibody (HNEJ-2)
日本 JaICA 老化 Antibody系列产品
上海金畔生物作为日本 JaICA 老化中国代理商,欢迎新老客户访问日本 JaICA 老化官网或者咨询我们获取更多日本 JaICA 老化产品线价格说明书等信息。
日本老化制御研究所 Jaica代理
Anti 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal(4-HNE) monoclonal antibody(HNEJ-2)
规格: 100µg
产品说明 / Product Overview:
Anti 4-HNE monoclonal antibody (HNEJ-2)

Structure of 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal
关于4-羟基壬烯醛(4-hydroxy-2-nonenal; 4-HNE)
活性氧(ROS)参与活体内的脂质过氧化,膜脂质是ROS的主要靶标之一。 ROS在过氧化过程中形成各种醛。 4-羟基-2-壬烯醛(4-HNE)是一种α,β不饱和醛,可以通过omega-6不饱和脂肪酸(例如亚油酸和花生四烯酸)的过氧化形成。 特别需要指出的是,据报道在活体内形成的4-HNE源自磷脂结合的花生四烯酸。 4-HNE可能是脂质过氧化最可靠的生物标志物之一。
大肠癌细胞的高倍视图:腺癌(箭头所示)和非肿瘤性上皮细胞(star x240)。
(S. Kondo et al. Free Radical Biology & Medicine 27 pp401-410, 1999)

性状:冻干粉(含20μg或100μg IgG);

Clone #: HNEJ-2
Immunogen: 4-HNE-modified Keyhole Limpet Hemocyanin
Subclass: Mouse IgG1(kappa)
Prepared as ascite, and ammnonium sulphate purified.
Form: Lyophilized Powder (containing 20 碌g or 100 碌g of IgG)
Specificity: This antibody show almost negligible reactivity with proteins that were treated with other aldehydes, such as 2-nonenal, 2-hexenal, 1-hexanal, 4-hydroxy-2-hexenal,formaldehyde, or glutaraldehyde.
Applications: Immunohistochemistry and western blotting.
Storage: Less than -20掳C for 5 years. When transport, stable at least 7 days at room temperature.


T.Tanaka, Y.Nishiyama, K.Okada, K.Hirota, M.Matsui, J.Yodoi, H.Hiai, and S.Toyokuni:
Induction and nuclear translocation of thioredoxin by oxidative damage in the mouse kidney: independence of tubular necrosis and sulfhydryl depletion. Lab. Invest. 77(2), p145-155 (1997)
Western blotting:
S.Toyokuni, N.Miyake, H.Hiai, M.Hagiwara, S.Kawakishi, T.Osawa and K.Uchida:
The monclonal antibody specific for the 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal histidine adduct.
FEBS Lett. 359, p189-191 (1995)
Product name Code Content
Anti 4-HNE monoclobal antibody MHN-020P 20 ug of IgG/ vial
MHN-100P 100 ug of IgG/ vial


日本 JaICA 老化Anti Malondialdehyde(MDA) monoclonal antibody

日本 JaICA 老化Anti Malondialdehyde(MDA) monoclonal antibody
英文名称:Anti Malondialdehyde(MDA) monoclonal antibody
Anti MDA monoclonal antibody  脂质过氧化生物标志物
About malondialdehyde (MDA)
Malondialdehyde (MDA) is one of the major aldehyde derive from lipid peroxidation. MDA is highly reactive aldehyde and reacts with lysine residue in protein. The reaction with MDA and lysine residue leads to the formation of numerous numbers of adducts, such as dihydropyridine-lysine (DHP-lysine) type derivative. This monoclonal antibody is specific for the MDA-modified protein, especially DHP-lysine type derivative.

丙二醛(MDA)是衍生自脂质过氧化的主要醛之一。 MDA是高度反应性的醛,并与蛋白质中的赖氨酸残基反应。 与MDA和赖氨酸残基的反应导致众多数量的加合物的形成,例如二氢吡啶-赖氨酸(DHP-赖氨酸)型衍生物。 该单克隆抗体对MDA修饰的蛋白质,特别是DHP-赖氨酸型衍生物是特异性的。

Clone #: 1F83
Antigen: MDA-modified keyhole-lympet hemocyanine.
Form: Frozen (100 碌g/mL antibody in 10mM PBS containing 0.1% NaN3 and 0.5% BSA). Purified by Protein-A.
Application: Immunohistochemistry.
Recommended antibody concentration is 0.5-1.0 碌g/mL on paraformaldehyde fixed tissue.
Specificity: MSpecific for MDA-modified protein (especially DHP-lysine).
Subclass: Mouse IgG2a(lambda)
Storage: Less than -20掳C

Specificity of anti MDA antibody.

Immunohistochemical detection of MDA-modified protein in atherosclerotic aorta.
Dr. N Shibata, Tokyo Women’s Medical University.
性状:冻结(100μg/mL抗体在含有0.1%NaN3和0.5% BSA的10mM PBS中),经过蛋白A纯化;
·  抗丙烯醛单克隆抗体 Anti Acrolein(ACR) monoclonal antibody
·  抗丙烯醛单克隆抗体 Anti Acrolein(ACR) monoclonal antibody
·  抗己酰-赖氨酸单克隆抗体 Anti Hexanoyl-Lysine(HEL) monoclonal antibody(5F12)
·  己酰-赖氨酸加合物ELISA试剂盒 Hexanoyl-Lysine adduct(HEL) ELISA Kit
References 参考文献

1) Immunochemical detection of a lipofuscin-like fluorophore derivered from malondialdehyde and lysine.
S Yamada, S Kumazawa, T Ishii, T Nakayama, K Itakura, N Shibata, M Kobayashi, K Sakai, T Osawa and K Uchida.
J.Lipid Res. 42, p1187-1196 (2001)
2) Investigation on the Origin of Sperm DNA Fragmentation: Role of Apoptosis, Immaturity and Oxidative Stress.
Muratori M, Tamburrino L, Marchiani S, Cambi M, Olivito B, Azzari C, Forti G, Baldi E
Mol Med. 21,p109-122(2015). doi: 10.2119/molmed.2014.00158.

日本 JaICA 老化Anti Malondialdehyde(MDA) monoclonal antibody技术资料:http://www.jaica.com/e/technical_forum_nof.html#MDA
日本 JaICA 老化Anti Malondialdehyde(MDA) monoclonal antibody 说明书:

日本 JaICA 老化 Antibody系列产品

日本 JaICA 老化 Antibody系列产品
上海金畔生物作为日本 JaICA 老化中国代理商,欢迎新老客户访问日本 JaICA 老化官网或者咨询我们获取更多日本 JaICA 老化产品线价格说明书等信息。
日本老化制御研究所 Jaica代理
Anti 8-OHdG/ 8-oxo-dG/ 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine monoclonal antibody (N45.1).

8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) is a product of oxidatively damaged DNA formed by hydroxy radical, singlet oxygen and direct photodynamic action. Anti 8-OHdG monoclonal antibody (clone N45.1) is highly specific for 8-OHdG, and is suitable for immunohistochemistry. Cross reactivity have been checked for 8-OHdG analogues (guanosine(G),7-methyl-G, 6-SH-G, 8-Bromo-G, dA, dC, dT, dI, dU, dG, O6-methyl-dG, 8-OHdA, guanine(Gua),O6-methyl-Gua, 8-OH-Gua, uric acid, urea, creatine, creatinine, 8-sulfhydryl-G, 8-OH-G).
Anti thymidine glycol (TG) monoclonal antibody

Thymidineglycol (TG) is one of the major oxidation products of DNA. Thymidine (T) can be damaged by oxidative stress such as radiation and energy metabolism. Two different pathways to form TG have been suggested. Deoxythymidine in DNA is directly oxidised by hydroxy radical, to form TG. TG can be also formed through an intermediate thymidine chlorohydrin, which is derived from hypochlorous acid (HOCl) from neutrophil myeloperoxidase. Thymidineglycol is derived from DNA, not from RNA. TG is the oxidative stress marker secific for DNA damage.
Anti dityrosine (DT) monoclonal antibody (1C3).

Tyrosine is one of the major targets of protein oxidation, and until today various tyrosine derivatives such as nitrotyrosine, dityrosine and halogenated tyrosine depending on the type of free radicals. DT is a tyrosine dimer derived from tyrosyl radicals which is formed by reactive oxygen species (ROS), metal-catalyzed oxidation, ultraviolet irradiation, and peroxidases. DT have been found in atherosclerotic lesions, and lipofuscin of pyramidal neurons of aged human brains. Dityrosine is one of the specific biomarkers for protein oxidation.
Anti dibromotyrosine monoclonal antibody (3A5).

Tyrosine is one of the main targets of protein oxidation, and it have been reported form nitrotyrosine, dityrosine and halogenated tyrosines depending on the type of free radicals. For example, hypochlorous acid (HOCl) and hypobromous acid (HOBr) are derived from neutrophil myeloperoxidase (MPO) and eosinophil peroxidase (EPO), and known to form dihalogenated tyrosines such as DiBrY, DiClY and DiIY. It is expected that DiBrY may be a novel biomarker for tissue damage which is related to inflammatory and allergic disorders.
Anti 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (4-HNE) monoclonal antibody (HNE-J2).

During the peroxidation process, a variery of aldehydes are formed. 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (4-HNE) is an alpha, beta unsatulated aldehyde that can be formed by peroxidation of omega-6 unsatulated fatty acids such as linoleic acid and arachidonic acid. Especially, 4-HNE formed inside living body is reported to originate from phospholipid-bound arachidonic acid. 4-HNE may be one of the most reliable biomarker of lipid peroxidation. This antibody show almost negligible reactivity with proteins that were treated with other aldehydes, such as 2-nonenal, 2-hexenal, 1-hexanal, 4-hydroxy-2-hexenal,formaldehyde, or glutaraldehyde.
Anti Hexanoyl-Lysine adduct (HEL) monoclonal antibody.

Aldehydes such as malondi-aldehyde (MDA) and 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (4-HNE) have been reported as one of the advanced lipid peroxidation products. But recently in the earlier stage of lipid peroxidation, 13-hydroperoxyoctadecanoic acid (13-HPODE) is found to be covalently bound to proteins1). Hexanoyl-Lysine adduct (HEL) is a novel lipid hydroperoxide-modified lysine residues. HEL is formed by oxidative modification by oxidized omega-6 fatty acids such as linoleic acid or arachidonic acid. This monoclonal antibody is spesific for proteins and peptides containing HEL. Suitable for HEL detection by immunohistochemistry and western blotting.
Anti Acrolein (ACR) monoclonal antibody.

Acrolein (ACR) is a representative carcinogenic aldehyde found ubiquitously in the environment and formed endogenously through oxidation reactions, such as lipid peroxidation and myeloperoxidasecatalyzed amino acid oxidation. This antibody is specific for the ACR-modified protein, especially FDP-lysine type derivative.
Anti malondialdehyde (MDA) monoclonal antibody.

Malondialdehyde (MDA) is one of the major aldehyde derive from lipid peroxidation. MDA is highly reactive aldehyde and reacts with lysine residue in protein. The reaction with MDA and lysine residue leads to the formation of numerous numbers of adducts, such as dihydropyridine-lysine (DHP-lysine) type derivative. This monoclonal antibody is specific for the MDA-modified protein, especially DHP-lysine type derivative.
Anti 4-hydroxy-2-hexenal (4-HHE) monoclonal antibody.

4-hydroxy-2-alkenal is one of the major lipid peroxidation products, and shows many biological effects such as high toxicity to cells. Among them, 4-hydroxy-2-hexenal (HHE) is an aldehyde formed during peroxidation of n-3 fatty acids such as docosahexaenoic acid. HHE is highly reactive aldehyde and reacts with histidine residue of protein to form Michael-addition type adducts. This antibody is specific for HHE-histidine Michael adduct (HHE-His) and enable to detect HHE-His in the tissue samples.
Anti Crotonaldehyde (CRA) monoclonal antibody.

Crotonaldehyde (CRA) is a representative carcinogenic aldehyde formed endogenously through lipid peroxidation. CRA is highly reactive aldehyde and reacts with lysine residue in protein. The reaction with CRA and lysine residue leads to the formation of numerous numbers of adducts. This antibody is specific for the CRA-modified protein.
Anti methylglyoxal/ Argpyrimidine (MG) monoclonal antibody.

Methylglyoxal (MG), an endogenous metabolite that increases in diabetes and is a common intermediate in the Maillard reaction (glycation), reacts with proteins and forms advanced glycation end products (AGE). MG reacts with arginine residue in protein and forms numerous numbers of adducts, such as argpyrimidine. This antibody is specific for argpyrimidine: N-(5-hydroxy-4,6-dimethylpyrimidine-2-yl)-L-ornithine.
Anti 7-ketocholesterol (7-KC) monoclonal antibody.

Cholesterol oxidation products, especially 7-Ketocholesterol (7KC), have been the focus of much attention because they are present in human atherosclerotic plaque and display a wide range of atherogenic properties in vitro and to some extant in vivo. This antibody is specific for 7KC. This antibody is useful to detect 7KC in tissue samples. A frozen tissue sample is recommended for immunohistochemistry.
Anti nitrotryptophan (NW: 6-NO2-Trp) monoclonal antibody

Reactive nitrogen species (RNS) are formed in a variety of diseases such as atherosclerosis, inflammation, cancer and neurodegenerative disiases. Peroxinitrite (ONOO) is known as a potent biological oxidant, which is formed via very fast reaction between nitric oxide (NO) and superoxide (O2). 6-nitrotryptophan (6-NO2-Trp) is shown to be one of the most stable and major ONOO-modified amino acids, and growing evidences suggest that nitrotryptophan may play a significant role in the cellular regulation under nitrosative stress.



Japan Institute for the Control of Aging (JaICA)

上海金畔生物作为日本 JaICA 老化中国代理商,欢迎新老客户访问日本 JaICA 老化官网或者咨询我们获取更多日本 JaICA 老化产品线价格说明书等信息。
日本老化制御研究所 Jaica代理

1. DNA氧化检测产品;
2. 蛋白氧化检测产品;
3. 脂肪氧化检测产品;
4. 抗氧化检测产品。
1. 高专一性、高灵敏性;
2. 不与RNA损伤产生交叉反应;
3. 易于操作、简单快速;
4. 无需昂贵的设备和样品预处理。

The Japan Institute for the Control of Aging has conducted research into control of aging since its foundation under the doctrine of contributing health promotion. As a result, the institute succeeded in developing a DNA oxidative damage measuring kit, thus taking the lead for this field.
The institute now sells many products related to oxidative stress, and such products are utilized in the fields of medicine, pharmacy, biochemistry, food sciences, etc. The institute also performs assay services utilizing its unique technologies. Preventive medicine and anti-aging are receiving increased attention with the advancement of aging society. In these areas, our Institute will contribute to realizing a healthy, long-lived society by developing and supplying research products.



类型 产品名称 运用 备注
尿液 血清 组织
DNA 氧化 8-OHdG   Check ELISA Kit 是(动物) 普遍使用的氧化应激标记物
8-OHdG   Check ELISA Kit (High Sensitivity) 是(动物) 人血清、组织和培养细胞的更低检测限。
anti-8-Hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanisine   [8-OHdG],mAb(N45.1) 8-OHGua/8-OHG低交叉反应性
anti-Thymidine   Glycol [TG], mAb (2E8) DNA特异性氧化应激标记物
脂类氧化 Hexanoyl-Lys   [HEL] ELISA Kit n:6 多不饱和脂肪酸早期氧化的新标记物
anti-Hexanoyl-Lys   [HEL], mAb (5F12) 免疫组化,免疫印迹和ELISA
anti-Hydroxy-2-nonenal   [4-HNE], mAb(HNEJ-2) 普遍使用的脂类氧化标志物
anti-Acrolein   [ACR], mAb (5F6) 免疫组化, 免疫印迹 和 ELISA.
anti-Malondialdehyde   [MDA], mAb (1F83) 免疫组化 和 免疫印迹
anti-4-Hydroxy-2-hexenal   [4-HHE], mAb (HHE53) 免疫组化
anti-Crotonaldehyde   [CRA], mAb (82D3) 免疫组化
anti-Methylglyoxal   [MG], mAb (3C) 免疫组化
anti-7-Ketocholesterol   [7-KC], mAb (35A) 胆固醇氧化标记物
蛋白氧化 Dityrosine   [DT] ELISA Kit 蛋白氧化新型标记物。检测时间:过夜 + 1.5小时。
anti-Dityrosine   [DT], mAb (1C3) 免疫组化, 免疫印迹 和 ELISA.
anti-Dibromo-tyrosine   [DiBrY], mAb (3A5) 炎症相关的蛋白氧化标记物
抗氧化检测 Total   Antioxidant Capacity [PAO] Test Kit Food

日本 JaICA代理 Anti HEL monoclonal antibody

日本 JaICA代理 Anti HEL monoclonal antibody
日本 JaICA 老化 Antibody系列产品
上海金畔生物作为日本 JaICA 老化中国代理商,欢迎新老客户访问日本 JaICA 老化官网或者咨询我们获取更多日本 JaICA 老化产品线价格说明书等信息。
日本老化制御研究所 Jaica代理
抗己酰-赖氨酸单克隆抗体 Anti Hexanoyl-Lysine(HEL) monoclonal antibody(5F12)
抗己酰-赖氨酸单克隆抗体 Anti Hexanoyl-Lysine(HEL) monoclonal antibody(5F12)
Anti hexanoyl-Lysine adduct monoclonal antibody.
Suitable for immunohistocheistry and ELISA. For research use only.
Oxidative damage of lipids caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS) play an important role in some diseases, lesion of cell functions and aging. Aldehydes such as malondi-aldehyde (MDA) and 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (4-HNE) have been reported as one of the advanced lipid peroxidation products. But recently in the earlier stage of lipid peroxidation, 13-hydroperoxyoctadecanoic acid (13-HPODE) is found to be covalently bound to proteins1). Hexanoyl-Lysine adduct (HEL) is a novel lipid hydroperoxide-modified lysine residues. HEL is formed by oxidative modification by oxidized omega-6 fatty acids such as linoleic acid or arachidonic acid. This monoclonal antibody (clone 5H4)is spesific for proteins and peptides containing HEL. Suitable for HEL detection by immunohistochemistry and western blotting.
由活性氧(ROS)引起的脂质氧化损伤在一些疾病,细胞功能损害和衰老中起重要作用。醛类(如丙二醛/MDA)和4-羟基-2-壬烯醛(4-HNE)已被报道为先进的脂质过氧化产物之一,但最近在脂质过氧化的早期阶段,发现13-hydroperoxyoctadecanoic acid(13-HPODE)与蛋白质1)共价结合。
己酰-赖氨酸加合物(HEL)是一种新的脂质氢过氧化物修饰的赖氨酸残基, HEL通过氧化的omega-6脂肪酸(例如亚油酸或花生四烯酸)氧化修饰形成。
A new biomarker for lipid peroxidation   脂质过氧化新的生物标志物

Cisplatin-treated rat kidney. 顺铂处理的大鼠肾脏
(Dr. Sugiyama, Tottori Univ.)  (Sugiyama博士)

Detection of HEL at Human atherosclerotic lesions.
(Dr. Naito)
HEL在人类动脉粥样硬化病变的检测  (Naito博士)

Clone #: 5F12
Subclass: IgG1 kappa
Antigen: N epsilon hexanoyl-Keyhole limpet hemocyanin (HEL-KLH)
Specificity: Specific to Hexanoyl-Lys adducts.
Form: Lyophilized power. Containing 10mM PBS(pH7.4), 5% sucrose, 1% BSA and 0.05% Procline 950. 100 碌g/mL of IgG.
Application: Immunohistochemistry
(Recommended antibody concentration is 2 碌g/mL on paraformaldehyde fixed tissue), and ELISA
Storage: Less than -20C

• 技术参数
亚基:IgG1 kappa;
抗原:N epsilon己酰-钥孔血蓝蛋白(HEL-KLH);
形式:冻干粉,100μg/mL(200μL),PBS(pH7.4),包含5%蔗糖,1% BSA;

1) Yoji Kato, Yoko Mori, Yuko Makino, Yasujiro Morimitsu, Sadayuki Hiroi, Toshitsugu Ishikawa, Toshihiko Osawa, Formation of N epsilon-(hexanonyl) lysine in protein exposed to lipid hydroperoxide. J Biol Chem 274(29), p20406-20414 (1999)
Identification of HEL, which is lysine adduct of 13-HPODE.
2) Kato Y, Miyake Y, Yamamoto K, Shimomura Y, Ochi H, Mori Y, Osawa T, Preparation of a monoclonal antibody to N(epsilon)-(Hexanonyl)lysine: application to the evaluation of protective effects of flavonoid supplementation against exercise-induced oxidative stress in rat skeletal muscle. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 274(2),p389-393(2000)
Development and characterization of anti HEL monoclonal antibody.
3) Fukuchi Y, Miura Y, Nabeno Y, Kato Y, Osawa T, Naito M, Immunohistochemical detection of oxidative stress biomarkers, dityrosine and N(epsilon)-(hexanoyl)lysine, and C-reactive protein in rabbit atherosclerotic lesions. J Atheroscler Thromb 15(4)p185-192(2008)
Application to rabbit atherosclerotic lesions.
4) Maeda R, Noiri E, Isobe H, Homma T, Tanaka T, Negishi K, Doi K, Fujita T, Nakamura E, A water-soluble fullerene vesicle alleviates angiotensin II-induced oxidative stress in human umbilical venous endothelial cells. Hypertens Res 31(1)p141-151(2008)
Application to cultured cells (HUVECs).
5) Sango K, Yanagisawa H, Kato K, Kato N, Hirooka H, Watabe K: Differential Effects of High Glucose and Methylglyoxal on Viability and Polyol Metabolism in Immortalized Adult Mouse Schwann Cells. Open Diabetes J. 1, p1-11(2008)
Application to cultured cell from mouse.


Product name Code Specifications Application NOTICE
Anti HEL monoclonal antibody(clone 5F12) MHL-021P 20ug of IgG Immunohistochemistry Current product
Anti HEL monoclonal antibody(clone 5H4) MHL-020P 20ug of IgG Immunohistochemistry Discontinued


Instruction manual (PDF) Immunohistochemical procedure Technical information
Comparison of clone 5F12 and 5H4 (PDF)


日本老化制御研究所 Jaica代理
上海金畔生物作为日本 JaICA 老化中国代理商,欢迎新老客户访问日本 JaICA 老化官网或者咨询我们获取更多日本 JaICA 老化产品线价格说明书等信息。

序号 详细名称 品牌 规格
KOG-200SE New 8-OHdG Check ELISA kit/8羟基脱氧茑苷ELISA 试剂盒 JaICA 96 wells
KOG-200TE New 8-OHdG Check ELISA Trial Package (32wells) JaICA 32 wells
KOG-HS10E Highly Sensitive 8-OHdG Check ELISA kit/高灵敏 8羟基脱氧茑苷ELISA 试剂盒 JaICA 96 wells
MOG-100P Anti 8-OHdG monoclonal antibody/8羟基脱氧茑苷 单克隆抗体 JaICA 100 micro gram
MOG-020P Anti 8-OHdG monoclonal antibody/8羟基脱氧茑苷 单克隆抗体 JaICA 20 micro gram
MHN-100P Anti 4-HNE monoclonal antibody/4羟基壬烯酸单抗 JaICA 100 micro gram
MHN-020P Anti 4-HNE monoclonal antibody/4羟基壬烯酸单抗 JaICA 20 micro gram
MBY-020P Anti Di bromo tyrosine (DiBrY) monoclonal antibody/二溴络氨酸单抗 JaICA 20 micro gram
MTG-100P Anti Tymidine Glycol (TG) monoclonal antibody/抗胸苷乙二醇单克隆抗体 JaICA 100 micro gram
MDT-020P Anti Di Tyrosine (DT) monoclonal antibody/二络氨酸抗体 JaICA 20 micro gram
MHL-021P Anti Hexanoyl-Lys(HEL) monoclonal antibody (clone 5F12)/乙酰赖氨酸单克隆抗 JaICA 20 micro gram
KHL-700E Hexanoyl-Lys(HEL) ELISA kit/乙酰赖氨酸加合物ELISA试剂盒 JaICA 96 wells
KPA-050E Test kit for Potential Anti Oxidant (PAO)/总抗氧化能力ELISA试剂盒 JaICA 96 wells
MMD-030n Anti malondialdehyde (MDA) monoclonal antibody/丙二醛单克隆 JaICA 30 micro gram
MAR-020n Anti acrolein (ACR) monoclonal antibody/炳烯醛单克隆 JaICA 20 micro gram
MAR-100n Anti acrolein (ACR) monoclonal antibody/炳烯醛单克隆 JaICA 100 micro gram
MHH-030n Anti 4-hydroxy-2-hexenal (4-HHE) monoclonal antibody/4羟基 2烯醛单抗 JaICA 30 micro gram
MCA-030n Anti crotonaldehyde (CRA) monoclonal antibody/抗巴斗醛单抗 JaICA 30 micro gram
MMG-030n Anti methyglyoxal (MG) monoclonal antibody/甲基乙二醛单抗 JaICA 30 micro gram
MKC-020n Anti 7-ketocholesterol (7-KC) monoclonal antibody/7酮基胆固醇单抗 JaICA 20 micro gram
MKC-100n Anti 7-ketocholesterol (7-KC) monoclonal antibody/7酮基胆固醇单抗 JaICA 100 micro gram
OPF-010E NEW Ultra filter unit for serum pretreatment (MW cut off 10kDa, Pall Corp.)/血清预处理超滤装置(MW切断10kDa,Pall公司) JaICA 1 unit
KDT-010E Dityrosine (DT) ELISA/双络氨酸ELISA试剂盒 JaICA  96 wells


日本 JaICA 老化Anti Acrolein (ACR) monoclonal antibody

日本 JaICA 老化Anti Acrolein (ACR) monoclonal antibody
上海金畔生物作为日本 JaICA 老化中国代理商,欢迎新老客户访问日本 JaICA 老化官网或者咨询我们获取更多日本 JaICA 老化产品线价格说明书等信息。
日本老化制御研究所 Jaica代理
抗丙烯醛单克隆抗体 Anti Acrolein(ACR) monoclonal antibody
Anti Acrolein (ACR) monoclonal antibody.
Suitable for immunohistocheistry. For research use only.
Acrolein (ACR) is a representative carcinogenic aldehyde found ubiquitously in the environment and formed endogenously through oxidation reactions, such as lipid peroxidation and myeloperoxidasecatalyzed amino acid oxidation. ACR is highly reactive aldehyde and reacts with lysine residue in protein. The reaction with ACR and lysine residue leads to the formation of numerous numbers of adducts, such as formyl-dehydropiperidino-lysine (FDP-lysine) type derivative. This antibody is specific for the ACR-modified protein, especially FDP-lysine type derivative.


Clone #: 5F6
Antigen: ACR-modified keyhole-lympet hemocyanine
Form: Frozen (100 碌g/mL antibody in 10mM PBS containing 0.1% NaN3 and 0.5% BSA). Purified by Protein-A.
Application: Immunohistochemistry.
Recommended antibody concentration is 0.5-1.0 碌g/mL on paraformaldehyde fixed tissue.
Specificity: Specific for ACR-modified protein (especially FDP-lysine type derivative)
Subclass: Mouse IgG1,kappa
Storage: Less than-20°C

丙烯醛(ACR)是在环境中普遍存在并且通过氧化反应(例如脂质过氧化和髓过氧化物酶催化的氨基酸氧化)内源性形成的代表性致癌醛。 ACR是高度反应性的醛,并与蛋白质中的赖氨酸残基反应。与ACR和赖氨酸残基的反应导致大量的加合物的形成,例如formyl-dehydropiperidino-lysine(FDP-赖氨酸)类型衍生物。
形式:冻结(100μg/ mL抗体在含有0.1%NaN3和0.5%BSA的10mM PBS中)。通过蛋白A纯化;
推荐抗体浓度:0.5-1.0μg/ mL对于多聚甲醛固定的组织;

1)Protein-bound acrolein: Potential markers for oxidativestress. K.Uchida, M.Kanematsu, K.Sakai, T.Matsuda, N.Hattori,Y.Mizuno, D.Suzuki,T.Miyata, N.Noguchi, E.Niki,T.Osawa
2)Protein-bound acrolein: A novel markers of oxidativestress in Alzheimer’s Disease. Noel Y. Calingasan, Koji Uchida, and Gary E.Gibson
Journal of Neurochemistry.72(2),751-756(1999)

Product name Code Content
Anti Acrolein monoclonal antibody MAR-020n 20 ug of IgG
MAR-100n 100 ug of IgG

日本 JaICA 老化Anti Acrolein monoclonal antibody
抗丙烯醛(ACR)单克隆抗体 使用使用说明书

日本 Jaica老化制御研究所代理

日本 Jaica老化制御研究所代理

1. DNA氧化检测产品;
2. 蛋白氧化检测产品;
3. 脂肪氧化检测产品;
4. 抗氧化检测产品。
1. 高专一性、高灵敏性;
2. 不与RNA损伤产生交叉反应;
3. 易于操作、简单快速;
4. 无需昂贵的设备和样品预处理。
The Japan Institute for the Control of Aging has conducted research into control of aging since its foundation under the doctrine of contributing health promotion. As a result, the institute succeeded in developing a DNA oxidative damage measuring kit, thus taking the lead for this field.
The institute now sells many products related to oxidative stress, and such products are utilized in the fields of medicine, pharmacy, biochemistry, food sciences, etc. The institute also performs assay services utilizing its unique technologies. Preventive medicine and anti-aging are receiving increased attention with the advancement of aging society. In these areas, our Institute will contribute to realizing a healthy, long-lived society by developing and supplying research products.
Type of
Item Spec. Applications Remark
Urine Serum Cells
New 8-OHdG Check ELISA
(Code. KOG-200SE), ELISA: 450nm, 96 wellsHighly Sensitive 8-OHdG Check ELISA
(Code. KOG-HS10E), ELISA: 450nm, 96 wells
Anti 8-OHdG monoclonal antibody (N45.1)
(Code: MOG-020P / MOG-100P)
Assay range:
0.5 – 200 ng/mLAssay range:
0.125-10 ng/mL
20 µg /
100 µg of IgG
Suitable for urine and animal serum. Assay time: 2.5 hours.(KOG-200SE)Suitable for human serum,tissue and cultured cells. Assay time: overnight +1.5 hours(KOG-HS10E)
Highly specific to 8-OHdG. Low cross reactivity to oxidized RNA(8-OHGua/8-OHG).
Anti Thymidine Glycol (TG) antibody
(Code: MTG-100P) Clone 2E8
100 µg of IgG OK DNA-specific oxidative stress marker. Specific to TG in DNA polymer.
HEL (13HPODE-Lys adduct)
Hexanoyl-Lysine (HEL) ELISA kit
(Code: KHL-700E), ELISA: 450nm, 96 wellsAnti Hexanoyl-Lysine (HEL) antibody
(Code: MHL-021P) Clone 5F12
Assay range:
2 – 700 nmol/L20 µg of IgG
OK- OK- OKOK Nε-Hexanoyl-Lysine (HEL) is derived from 13-HPODE, and is a novel biomarker for early stage oxidation of n:6 polyunsaturated fatty acid. Detectable in urine, serum, tissue and cultured cells.
Anti 4-HNE monoclonal antibody (HNEJ2)
(Code: MHN-020P / MHN-100P)
20 µg /
100 µg of IgG
OK 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (4-HNE) is one of the major oxidized products of fatty acids. Specific to 4-HNE-modified proteins.
Anti MDA monoclonal antibody
(Code: MMD-030n) Clone 1F83Malondialdehyde assay kit (TBARS)
(Code: KMD-008W) Colorimetric: 400-700nm scan
30 µg of IgGAssay range:
0.08 – 10 µmol/L
-OK -OK OKOK Specific to Malondialdehyde(MDA)-protein adducts such as dihydropyridine-lysine (DHP-lysine).
By utilizing 3rd derivative analysis, more reliable results than that by traditional TBARS assay.
Urinary isoprostane ELISA
(Code: KIP-050) ELISA: 450nm, 96wellsSerum isoprostane ELISA
(Code: KIP-001W) ELISA: 450nm, 96wells
Assay range:
0.05 – 100 ng/mLAssay range:
0.05 – 10 ng/mL
OK- -OK -OK 15-Isoprostane F2t (also known as 8-epi-PGF2α or 8-iso-PGF2α) is produced by peroxidation of lipoproteins.
For serum or tissue samples, purification by C18/Silica Sep-Pak will be needed.
Anti Acrolein (ACR) antibody
(Code: MAR-020n / MAR-100n) Clone 5F6
20 µg /
100 µg of IgG
OK Specific to ACR modified proteins: formyl-dehydropiperidino-lysine (FDP-lysine).
Anti 4-hydroxy-2-hexenal (4-HHE) antibody
(Code: MHH-030n) Clone HHE53
30 µg of IgG OK Specific to HHE-histidine Michael adduct (HHE-His).
Anti Crotonaldehyde (CRA) antibody
(Code: MCA-030n) Clone 82D3
30 µg of IgG OK Specific to CRA-protein aduucts.
Anti Methylglyoxal (MG) antibody
(Code: MMG-030n) Clone 3C
30 µg of IgG OK Specific to MG-protein adduct (argpyrimidine).
Anti 7-ketocholesterol (7-KC) antibody
(Code: MKC-020n) Clone 35A
20 µg of IgG OK Biomarker of cholesterol oxidation. Applicable for frozen tissue only.
Lipid peroxide probe (mitochondria) [NEW]
(Code: PLP-466J)
5 µg x3 OK Fluorescence probe for lipid peroxides specific to mitochondia. Suitable for cultured cells.
Lipid peroxide probe (DPPP) [NEW]
(Code: PLP-350J)
10 mg OK OK Fluorescence probe for lipid peroxides. For HPLC application.
Dityrosine (Tyr dimer)
Dityrosine (DT) ELISA [NEW]
(Code: KDT-010E), ELISA: 450nm, 96 wellsAnti Dityrosine (DT) antibody
(Code: MDT-020P) Clone 1C3
Assay range:
0.05-12 µmol/L20 µg of IgG
OK- OK- -OK New biomarker specific for protein oxidation. Assay time: overnight + 1.5hours.
Anti Dibromo-Tyrosine (DiBrY) antibody
(Code: MBY-020P) Clone 3A5
20 µg of IgG OK Inflammation-related protein oxidation marker.
Anti Nitrotryptophan (NW) antibody [NEW]
(Code: MNW-020P) Clone 117C
20 µg of IgG OK A novel nitrosative stress marker derived from peroxynitrite and tryptophan.
Nitrotyrosine ELISA
(Code: KNT-002W) 96 wells
2 – 1500 nmol/L OK Δ
Total Antioxidant
Test kit for Potential Antioxidant(PAO), 96 wells
(Code: KPA-050) Colorimetric: 480-492 nmTAC Peroxyl assay,  96 wells
(Code: KPR-005W) Luminescence
Assay range:
21.9- 4378 µmol/LAssay range:
0.5~30 µmol/mL
OKOK OKOK Total antioxidant assay for serum, foods and beverages. Can detect both hydrophobic and hydrophilic antioxidants.
KPR-005W can detect peroxyl radicals(ROO·) scavenging activity.
Total Glutathione assay kit 100 tests [NEW]
(Code: KGS-419J) Colorimetric: 405-415 nm
Assay range:
5-100 µmol/L
OK The most abundant antioxidant in living cells. Applicable to a variety of samples such as plant tissues and bacteria.
SOD activity assay kit (WST-1 method)  [NEW]
(Code: KSD-311J) Colorimetric: 450 nm, 500 testsSOD activity assay kit (Hematoxylin method)
(Code: KSD-005W) Colorimetric: 560 nm, 96 wells
Cu/Zn-SOD ELISA (Human SOD1)
(Code: KSE-040W) ELISA: 450 nm, 96 wells
(Code: KSG-025W) ELISA: 450 nm, 96 wells
ec-SOD ELISA (Human SOD3)
(Code: KSF-002W) ELISA: 450 nm, 96 wells
Assay range:
5-60 U/mL
Assay range:
0.04 – 5 ng/mL
Assay range:
25 – ng/mL
Assay range:
2 – 168 ng/mL


Can be applied to all animals, plants and bacteria.SOD1 is mainly located in erythrocytes and tissue cells. Trace concentration of SOD1 would be detected in serum.
Mn-SOD(SOD2) is detectable in Mitochondria.
Catalase activity assay kit 96 wells
(Code: KCA-003W) UV: 240 nm
Assay range:
6-150 U/mL
MPO activity assay kit
(Code: KMP-008W) Colorimetric: 412 nm
96 microplate assays or 30 cubette assays
Assay range:
8- 400 U/mL
GSH metabolism
Glutathion Peroxidase (GPx) assay kit 192 wells
(Code: KGX-005W) Colorimetric: 340 nmGlutathion Reductase (GR) assay kit 192 wells
(Code: KGR-015W) Colorimetric: 340 nm
Assay range:
5-60 mU/mLAssay range:
1.5-20 mU/mL
BloodBlood OKOK
Thioredoxin I ELISA (human) 96 wells
(Code: KRX-004W) ELISA: 450 nm
Assay range:
0.4- 25 ng/mL
Thioredoxin reductase I ELISA (human) 96 wells
(Code: KRR-004W) ELISA: 450 nm
Assay range:
0.4- 25 ng/mL
Peroxiredoxin I ELISA (human) 96 wells
(Code: KPX-005W) ELISA: 450 nm
Assay range:
0.5 – 32 ng/mL
Peroxiredoxin III ELISA (human) 96 wells
(Code: KPZ-002W) ELISA: 450 nm
Assay range:
2 – 32 ng/mL
Iron assay kit (Ferrozine) 100 tests
(Code: CFE-005) Colorimetric: 540-580 nmIron assay kit (Nitroso-PSAP) 100 tests
(Code: CFE-010) Colorimetric: 740-760 nm
UIBC assay kit (Bathophenanthroline) 100 tests
(Code: CBC-800) Colorimetric: 540-550 nm
Assay range:
5-1,000 µg/dLAssay range:
10-1,000 µg/dL
Assay range:
10-800 µg/dL
Iron (Fe) is an important pro-oxidant factor which produce hydroxyl radical by fenton reaction. CFE-005 and CFE-010 can be also applied to extractes from animal tissue, plants and hair samples.Detection of unsaturated iron binding capacity(UIBC). Species independent.
Copper assay kit (3,5-DiBr-PAESA) 100 tests
(Code: CCU-400) Colorimetric: 570-590 nm
Assay range:
3-400 µg/dL
OK OK OK Can detect total (free and ceruloplasmin – bond) copper. Also applicable to extractes from tissues, plants and hair.
Zink assay kit (5-Br-PAPS)
(Code: CZN-001) Colorimetric: 550-580 nm
Assay range:
4-1,000 µg/dL
OK OK OK Can detect total (free and protein – bond) zinc. Also applicable to extractes from tissues, plants and hair.
Calcium assay kit (Chlorophosphonazo III)
(Code: CCA-020) Colorimetric: 680-700 nm, 200 testsCalcium assay kit (o-Cresolphtalein-Complexone)
(Code: CCA-030) Colorimetric: 560-590 nm, 200 tests
Assay range:
0.05-20 mg/dLAssay range:
0.2-30 mg/dL
OKOK OKOK OKOK Applicable to serum, plasma, urine, saliva, extracts from tissues, plants, hair and bone samples. Avoid EDTA containing samples.
Magnesium assay kit (Xyridil Blue-I) 100 tests
(Code: CMG-035) Colorimetric: 660 nm
Assay range:
0.05-3.5 mg/dL
OK OK OK Applicable to serum, plasma, urine, saliva, extracts from tissues, plants and hair. May be interfared by EDTA, haemolysis, anticoagulants and potassium.

日本JaICA 代理Hexanoyl-Lysine adduct(HEL) ELISA Kit

日本JaICA 代理Hexanoyl-Lysine adduct(HEL) ELISA Kit
Hexanoyl-lysine adduct (HEL) ELISA kit
Suitable for assessment of oxidative stress using urine, serum and cultured cells. For research use only.

Biomarker for early stage of lipid oxidation
Oxidative damage of lipids caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS) play an important role in some diseases, lesion of cell functions and aging. Aldehydes such as malondi-aldehyde (MDA) and 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (4-HNE) have been reported as one of the advanced lipid peroxidation products. But recently in the earlier stage of lipid peroxidation, 13-hydroperoxyoctadecanoic acid (13-HPODE) is found to be covalently bound to proteins1). Hexanoyl-Lysine adduct (HEL) is a novel lipid hydroperoxide-modified lysine residues. HEL is formed by oxidative modification by oxidized omega-6 fatty acids such as linoleic acid or arachidonic acid. HEL may be a useful biomarker for initial stage of lipid peroxidation.Monoclonal antibodies and ELISA kit have been developped, and HEL can be detected in oxidatively modified LDL, in human atherosclerotic lesions, human urine and serum. It is also reported that HEL is formed in rat muscle during exercise, and the formation is prohibited by antioxidants such as flavonoids.

JaICA have developed HEL ELISA kit in collaboration with Dr. Toshihiko Osawa (Nagoya University) and Dr. Yoji Kato (Univerisity of Hyogo). This ELISA kit can be applied to urine, serum and cultured cells form human and animal.
JaICA公司与Toshihiko Osawa博士(名古屋大学)和Yoji Kato博士(兵库大学)合作开发了Hexanoyl-Lys(HEL)ELISA试剂盒。

Assay principle: Competitive ELISA (detection: 450 nm)
Specifity: Specific to N-epsilon-Hexanoyl-Lysine adduct
Measuring range: 2 – 700 nmol/L
Time to answer: Over night and 2 hours.
Format: 96 wells (54 samples in single assay)
Applications: Urine, serum and cultured cells from human and animals.
Storage: Store at 2 – 8掳C (don’t freeze).
Expiry: 2 years after the day of manufacturing.
Required but not provided: 50 碌L micropipettor and pipette tips
8-channel (50-200 碌L) micropipettor and tips
8 or 12-syncronous multichannel pipet and reagent tray for multichannel pipet.
4-7 掳C incubator
Microtiter plate reader (measuring wavelength 450 nm)

检测原理:竞争法ELISA (检测: 450 nm处);
测定范围:2 – 700 nmol/L;
规格:96孔(54 samples in single assay);
Content of this kit

HEL-coated Microtiter Plate: 1 plate (96 wells)
Primary Antibody (ready to use): 1 vial
Secondary Antibody: 1 vial
Secondary Antibody Buffer: 1 vial
Chromogen (TMBZ solution): 1 vial
Chromogen Buffer: 1 vial
Washing Buffer (5X): 1 vial
Stop Solution: 1 vial
Standard solution (6 levels): 1 vial each
Plate seal: 2 sheets

HEL-包被微孔板: 1 块板(96孔)
一抗 (即用型): 1 瓶
二抗: 1 瓶
二抗缓冲液: 1 瓶
底物溶液 (TMBZ溶液): 1 瓶
底物缓冲液: 1 瓶
洗涤液 (5X): 1 瓶
终止液: 1 瓶
标准液 (6 标准): 各1 瓶
封板膜: 2 片

Product name Code Assay range Application
Hexanoyl-Lys (HEL) ELISA KHL-700E 2-700 nmol/L Urine, serum, cultured cells and other biological materials

Yoji Kato, Yoko Mori, Yuko Makino, Yasujiro Morimitsu, Sadayuki Hiroi, Toshitsugu Ishikawa, Toshihiko Osawa, Formation of N epsilon-(hexanonyl) lysine in protein exposed to lipid hydroperoxide. J Biol Chem 274(29), p20406-20414 (1999)
Identification of HEL, which is lysine adduct of 13-HPODE.
Yoji Kato, Toshihiko Osawa: Detection of lipid hydroperoxide-derived protein modification with polyclonal antibodies. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 186, Oxidative stress biomarkers and antioxidant protocols, D Armstrong, Ed., Human Press Inc., NJ, USA, p37-44
Immunohistochemical detection of hexanoyl-lysine adduct.
Kato Y, Miyake Y, Yamamoto K, Shimomura Y, Ochi H, Mori Y, Osawa T, Preparation of a monoclonal antibody to N(epsilon)-(Hexanonyl)lysine: application to the evaluation of protective effects of flavonoid supplementation against exercise-induced oxidative stress in rat skeletal muscle. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 274(2),p389-393(2000)
Development and characterization of anti HEL monoclonal antibody.
Ryo K, Yamada H, Nakagawa Y, Tai Y, Obara K, Inoue H, Mishima K, Saito I, Possible involvement of oxidative stress in salivary gland of patients with Sjogren’s syndrome. Pathobiology 73(5), p252-260 (2006)
HEL can be detected in saliva samples from patients with Sjogren’s syndrome.
Suzuki T, Kazui T, Yamamoto S, Washiyama N, Ohkura K, Ohishi K, Bashar AH, Yamashita K, Terada H, Suzuki K, Akuzawa S, Fujie M, Effect of prophylactically administered edaravone during antegrade cerebral perfusion in a canine model of old cerebral infarction. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 133(3),p710-716 (2007)
Application to canine serum samples.
Shimizu K, Ogawa F, Akiyama Y, Muroi E, Yoshizaki A, Iwata Y, Komura K, Bae S, Sato S, Increased Serum Levels of N(epsilon)-(hexanoyl)lysine, A New Marker of Oxidative Stress, in Systemic Sclerosis. J Rheumatol. 2008 Sep 1.
Serum HEL concentration from systemic sclerosis is higher than that from healthy subjects.
Tamura H, Takasaki A, Miwa I, Taniguchi K, Maekawa R, Asada H, Taketani T, Matsuoka A, Yamagata Y, Shimamura K, Morioka H, Ishikawa H, Reiter RJ, Sugino N, Oxidative stress impairs oocyte quality and melatonin protects oocytes from free radical damage and improves fertilization rate. J Pineal Res 44(3),p280-287(2008)
Intrafollicular concentration of HEL was significantly reduced by these antioxidant treatment.
Sakamoto Y, Ishikawa T, Kondo Y, Yamaguchi K, Fujisawa M, The assessment of oxidative stress in infertile patients with varicocele. BJU Int 101(12), p1547-1552 (2008)
Azoospermic and oligospermic patients had a significantly higher HEL concentration in seminal plasma.
Kageyama Y, Takahashi M, Nagafusa T, Torikai E, Nagano A, Etanercept reduces the oxidative stress marker levels in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatol Int 28(3),pp245-251(2008)
Urinary HEL level was reduced at 3 and 6 months after the initial treatment with etanercept.
Rummenie VT, Matsumoto Y, Dogru M, Wang Y, Hu Y, Ward SK, Igarashi A, Wakamatsu T, Ibrahim O, Goto E, Luyten G, Inoue H, Saito I, Shimazaki J, Tsubota K, Tear cytokine and ocular surface alterations following brief passive cigarette smoke exposure. Cytokine 43(2),p200-208(2008)
HEL concentration in tear was increased by brief passive exposure to cigarette smoke.
K Sakai, S Kino, A Masuda, M Takeuchi, T Ochi, J Osredkar, B Rejc, K Gersak, N Ramarathnam, Y Kato;
Determination of HEL (Hexanoyl-Lysine Adduct): A Novel Biomarker for Omega-6 PUFA Oxidation.
Lipid Hydroperoxide-Derived Modification of Biomolecules: Subcellular Biochemistry 77,p61-72(2014)
An original paper for HEL ELISA development.

  • 尿8-异前列腺素(15-异前列腺素F2t)ELISA试剂盒 NWLSS™ Urinary 8-Isoprostane
  • 脂质氢过氧化物检测试剂盒 NWLSS™ Lipid Hydroperoxide(LOOH) Assay Kit
  • 8-异构前列腺素(15-异前列腺素F2t)ELISA试剂盒 NWLSS™ 8-Isoprostane (15-Iso
  • 9(±)-羟基十八碳二烯酸ELISA试剂盒 NWLSS™ 9(±)-hydroxyoctadecadienoic ac
  • 己酰赖氨酸ELISA试剂盒 NWLSS™ Hexanoyl Lysine ELISA Kit
  • 丙二醛检测试剂盒 NWLSS™ Malondialdehyde(MDA) Assay Kit
  • 抗4-羟基壬烯醛单克隆抗体 Anti 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal(4-HNE) monoclonal antibody(HNE
  • 抗4-羟基壬烯醛单克隆抗体 Anti 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal(4-HNE) monoclonal antibody(HNE

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日本 JaICA代理 Dityrosine (DT) ELISA

日本 JaICA代理 Dityrosine (DT) ELISA
日本 JaICA 老化 Antibody系列产品
上海金畔生物作为日本 JaICA 老化中国代理商,欢迎新老客户访问日本 JaICA 老化官网或者咨询我们获取更多日本 JaICA 老化产品线价格说明书等信息。
日本老化制御研究所 Jaica代理
Dityrosine (DT) ELISA kit.
Suitable for urine samples. For research use only.
A novel biomarker for protein oxidation

Tyrosine is one of the major targets of protein oxidation, and until today various tyrosine derivatives such as nitrotyrosine, dityrosine and halogenated tyrosine depending on the type of free radicals. DT is a tyrosine dimer derived from tyrosyl radicals which is formed by reactive oxygen species (ROS), metal-catalyzed oxidation, ultraviolet irradiation, and peroxidases. DT have been found in atherosclerotic lesions, and lipofuscin of pyramidal neurons of aged human brains. Dityrosine is one of the specific biomarkers for protein oxidation.
Recently, dityrosine is reported to exist also in urine samples. It is expected that DT may be a novel protein oxdation marker, which is non-invasively detectable. DT ELISA kit is designed for quantitative measurement of DT especially in urine samples.

Samples: Urine
Specifity: Specific to dityrosine (tyrosine dimer)
Assay range: 0.05 – 12 碌mol/L
Measurement: 450 nm
Quantity: 96 wells
Assay time: Overnight and 2 hours
Storage: 2 – 8 掳C. Don’t freeze.
Expiration: Printed on a package


1) Kato Y, Wu X, Naito M, Nomura H, Kitamoto N, Osawa T:
Immunochemical detection of protein dityrosine in atherosclerotic lesion of apo-E-deficient mice using a novel monoclonal antibody.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 275(1), p11-15 (2000).
2) Hattori Y, Mukaide T, Jiang L, Kotani T, Tsuda H, Mano Y, Sumigama S, Hirayama T, Nagasawa H,Kikkawa F, Toyokuni S:
Catalytic ferrous iron in amniotic fluid as a predictive marker of human maternal-fetal disorders.
J Clin Biochem Nutr 56(1),p57-63(2015) doi: 10.3164/jcbn.14-82
Product name Code Assay range Format Application
Dityrosine (DT) ELISA KDT-010E 0.05 – 12 碌mol/L 96 wells Urine


Instruction manual (PDF) Technical information


Related products: Anti DT monoclonal antibody